I’ve been with Dr. Jiang since February now, about 7 months. I called her out of desperation one day because of my horrible eczema. I started to experience a mild skin rash late 2019 which morphed into a full blown eczema ordeal. From the start, she was extremely friendly and understanding over the phone. I lived in Santa Monica at the time and took the 45 minute drive out to Camarillo immediately. She mentioned that it was her day off but that I should come in, possibly she sensed the desperation in my voice.
I went from 117lbs in mid Dec to 96lbs in Feb around the time I met Dr. E. I was afraid to eat as I felt like everything was causing me to break out. I went through so many different cleanses, elimination diets etc etc and got to a point where I was all bones, unhealthy and not even hungry as my skin was stressing me out. My eczema got so bad that I didn’t like wearing clothes as it would sting when rubbing on my skin, I showered every 3 days or so because being under the water would be unpleasant. Needless to say, I was depressed and felt like I had no hope. I decided to start treatment under Dr. E’s guidance.
Through her advice with vitamins, supplements and a diet adjustment, I eventually healed. The journey was rough with numerous texts and questions as the condition got worse for a few weeks.
My condition got so bad that I got scared and I would just turn to her for advice. I think about 3 months in, I started to notice things were calming down. She gave me a time frame as to how long she thought it would take for me to heal and it was pretty spot on. I went in for my periodic check ups, diet adjustments, supplement adjustments. February – March was very bad, April, I started to see my skin calm down just a tad bit and come May I noticed major improvement. I write this on 8/6 and my skin has completely healed. The discoloration took some time but I’m about almost clear of that as well.
My before and after pics most likely will give you an idea of my progress but more importantly she is amazing to work with and she actually cares I’m still with her now to make sure I’m progressing (I’ve healed from eczema) but am focused on my overall health right now, preventative care.
She is a wealth of knowledge, compassionate and does what a doctor needs to do: heal.
The before pics are pretty much around the time I met her and a few weeks in and the after photo was taken early May or so after much improvement. Right now, my skin is back to normal. Thank you Dr. E and if you are going through a similar situation, highly recommend her.
Kyu S.